This course uses programming assignments as a primary method by which you will build an understanding of Operating Systems concepts. For this course, you may work with a partner on the programming assignments, and each pair of partners will produce a single submission for each of the assignments. The professor will make available at the beginning of the semester a code base on which the assignments will be built. Any additions or modifications made to this code during the semester and submitted for grading must be original work of you or your partner, and no one else. The reason why you are required to do your own coding is that this is the primary way you will learn in this course. If you don't do your own coding, you won't learn what you are supposed to learn.
Academic Dishonesty occurs when you attempt to increase your grade in this course without doing the required work, and consequently without developing fully the knowledge and skills that you are supposed to develop. Students attempt to rationalize Academic Dishonesty in a variety of ways. For example, "I just didn't have the time to spend on this course", or "Since I only plan to be a network administrator when I graduate, I'm not really that interested in programming," or "My friends and I always work together on all our courses," or "I already have a job at an Internet startup, and I just need to graduate so I can start making money."
No matter how you rationalize it, Academic Dishonesty is just plain dishonest. When students pass courses dishonestly, without doing the required work, the value of a Stony Brook degree is diminished for everyone, cheaters and non-cheaters alike. If you are someone who conscientiously does their own work, you ought to be hopping mad about people who pass the course by copying somebody else's programs, or by downloading programs off of the Internet and turning them in as their own. When you graduate, you'll want to take pride in having earned your degree from Stony Brook, and you'll want to know that potential employers also respect the effort and achievement it represents. This won't be the case if people regularly cheat their way to a degree.
As a member of the Stony Brook faculty, I regard it as my very serious responsibility to protect the value of your Stony Brook degree by doing all I can to stamp out Academic Dishonesty. Let me make things plain and simple:
I will not tolerate any form of Academic Dishonesty in this course.
When I find evidence of Academic Dishonesty, I prosecute the case in accordance with University and CEAS regulations. Usually this results in the offending student receiving a "F" grade in the course, and having to take an additional ethics course in order to remove the Academic Dishonesty notation from their transcript. For multiple offenders, it can and has resulted in suspension or expulsion from the University. If I have to prosecute an Academic Dishonesty case against you, it makes me extremely angry, because it consumes a huge amount of my time, which I would rather spend helping people learn. So, don't expect any sympathy from me if I have to submit charges against you.
So there can be no confusion about what I expect of you in this course, I have listed below specific examples of things that you are not permitted to do. If I find evidence that you have done any of these things, I will file Academic Dishonesty charges against you. Do not make the mistake of thinking that I won't notice you among all the other students in the class. I have had many years of experience in reading student programs, and it is much easier than you think to spot cases in which students didn't do their own work.
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