CSE 320: Systems Fundamentals II (L01/L02, Stark)

Stony Brook University – Spring 2025

This course will introduce programming and essential concepts of operating systems, compilers, and concurrency, focused around several cross-cutting examples, such as memory management, error handling and threaded programming.

CSE 320 is a demanding course! You will need to dedicate many hours outside of class time studying the material, working on the homework assignments and preparing for exams.

For more information refer to the course syllabus and course schedule.

Course Meeting Times:

Mondays & Wednesdays, 8:00 am - 9:20 am (L01) or Mondays & Wednesdays, 11:00 am - 12:20 pm (L02) (Light Engineering 102)

Instructor Info:

Note: Outside of office hours, for questions or issues that might be of interest to other students, you should post on Piazza, which Prof. Stark will be reading regularly. For private matters, the best way to contact him is by email. Voicemail left on his office phone (number above) will be forwarded to him by email, so you might as well just send email in the first place.

Teaching Assistants:


Note: Please see Piazza for more information about the TAs, and see the calendar below for the times and locations of their office hours.

Other Important Info:

  • All Announcements, Lecture Notes, Homework Assignments, etc. will be posted on Piazza.
  • Grades will be posted on Brightspace.

Course Calendar:

Note: Due to security changes made by Google, you might not be able to see the window embedded here. If not, click on the link here. to open it in a new window. Sorry about that. If you still see messages telling you that you do not have the permission to view one or more calendars, please make sure that your browser is signed in to your Google yournetid.stonybrook.edu account.