CSE540 Home Page (Fall 2017)

Welcome to the CSE540 (Theory of Computation) home page for Fall 2017.

Important Course News and Messages

Please check this page regularly for new messages. The newest messages will always appear first.

Final Exam Grades:
Grades for the final exam are now available.

The maximum possible grade on the exam was 100 points. The highest grade actually achieved was 91. The statistics are as follows:

FINAL        (whole class     ) Valid  13; Mean  56.69; Std. Dev.  24.52
FINAL        (section       MS) Valid   8; Mean  46.38; Std. Dev.  21.71
FINAL        (section      PHD) Valid   5; Mean  73.20; Std. Dev.  20.62

If you want to review your responses, click on the "Download Code" or "Browse Code" link on your grade sheet.

Midterm Exam Grades:
Grades for the midterm exam are now available.

The maximum possible grade on the exam was 75 points. The highest grade actually achieved was 62. The statistics are as follows:

MIDTERM      (whole class     ) Valid  15; Mean  32.40; Std. Dev.  16.39
MIDTERM      (section       MS) Valid  10; Mean  25.80; Std. Dev.  15.19
MIDTERM      (section      PHD) Valid   5; Mean  45.60; Std. Dev.   9.71

If you want to review your responses, click on the "Download Code" or "Browse Code" link on your grade sheet.

Some notes on problems 5, 6, and 7 can be found here

Homework 1 Grades:

I have looked through Homework 1 and left comments on grade sheets (available under the "Personalized Course Information Area" above). The comments should give you some idea how I responded to the way you formulated your answers. Please take these into account when writing your responses to the midterm exam questions. Due to time limitations, the scoring was necessarily crude, but the following statistics should give you some idea as to where you stood in relation to the rest of the class. I don't assign any absolute scale to these values, but if you were at the higher end it meant that I generally understood your answers and thought they got at the correct ideas, whereas if you were at the lower end it meant that I either was unable to follow your arguments or thought they were wrong for some reason.

Note that if the system reports that your grades are being withheld, then it most likely is because you didn't complete the "Academic Dishonesty Checklist" that you are prompted to complete when you log into the "Personalized...Area". Complete this checklist and you will be able to view your grade sheet.

HW1          (whole class     ) Valid  14; Mean  11.79; Std. Dev.   3.14
Homework Submission:

Your homework solutions should be put into a PDF file or files (please, no other formats). Then put the PDF file(s) into a single ZIP file and use this form to submit.

Accounts on Course Website:

Due to my mistake in configuring the system, if you registered on the course website you'll have to do it again, because the password database was not getting updated. Once you do this, you should be able to access the lecture notes and homework assignment. Please email me ASAP if it doesn't work now. Sorry for the trouble.

Eugene W. Stark